Saturday, December 12, 2009

Gather Around Jesus Is Here

Go out and spread Gods word. Go and tell the nation that Jesus Christ is alive and well. Go and spread the word. Tell your friends, classmates, co-workers, and all of those who you have came n contact with. Do like the shepherds did, and go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hey Mary, "Did You Know"

Mary did you know that your child would come and save us? Mary did you know that your child come to heal the sick? Mary did you know that your child loves us? Hey Mary did you know that your baby boy rose on the third day? Mary look at what your child is doing across the world.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Who Is Sleeping On The Hay?

What child is this sleeping on the hay? Who came and died for us to take away our sins? Who is that man that got up with all power in his hands? Who is that child sleeping on the hay? Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The True Meaning of Christmas

When I was a little boy I was glad to get some presents on Christmas day. It was a joy to see some present laying on the couch went I got up. My parents tough me at a early age of what the true meaning of Christmas really meant. Christmas is defined as Christ Begin born. Everyone knows the story of how Christ came about. During this week I will be sharing a Christmas story. I hope that you enjoy this presentation of a Christmas story.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Stay Positive

Hello blogger I just want to say to you to stay positive. Remember to hold your head up at all times. Children of all ages keep up the hard work. Do your best work at all times. To the college students keep going. Whatever you do, do not give up. To all of the hard working parents keep on pressing. I hope to start my Christmas concert this week. So be out on the look out for that. Until next time just encourage.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I Am Free

School is about to end of me tomorrow. I am now focusing on my exams now. It has been an fun ride, and I can not wait until the spring term begins. To all the students out their Christmas break is around the corner. Hold on, and everything will be alright.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Christmas Concert Is coming

Hello blogger it is that time of season again it is Christmas time. This time of the year is my favorite. O what joy Christmas brings to me. I look to start this concert next week. I am now in the preparing stage of this concert. Be on a look out for the concert. Until next time be safe, be good, and stay out of trouble.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Spreading The Love

Hello blogger this is the last part of my series who are you? I want to ask you a question are you spreading some love, are you showing some love ?The word love is a powerful word, and it is a word that should not be taken lightly. You should love everyone, and help them out anyway that you can. Quit fighting with each other, and show some love. Give them a hug. Show them that you care about them. It is time to spread the love just like Jesus showed us some love by dying upon the cross to save our sins. The bible teaches us that we are to love one another not fight with each other. Go out, and start showing some love to everyone that you meet.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Keep On Fighting

Hello blogger it has been a while since my last post. I just wanted to remind you all to keep your head up, and do not look back. We are coming to the end of the year and I am excited. Just positive, and do not get caught up in all of the term oil. I will do the last part of my series tomorrow, so stay tune of that. Until next time keep your head up.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello blogger I want to wish you and your family a happy thanksgiving. As you gather with family, and friends take a moment to reflect on the good times and the bad times. What a day the Lord has made. Have fun, be good, and be safe.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Be Thankful

Hello blogger this is the 9th installment of my series who are you. I come across this blog, and this video. I do not know the name of the blog. After I listen to this message, I begin to think back on where God has brought me from. As we go into the Thanksgiving Holiday, I want you think sit at the table, and just thank God for his blessing upon your life. I hope that you enjoy this video.

Do Not Settle For Anything

Hello blogger this is the 8th installment of the series who are you. As I look around this country, I see more and more ladies getting hurt by men that do not want to act right. Ladies I want to say to you that their is a good king out their waiting to wrap his arms around you, and to love you the way that you are. To all of the brothers all their treat that ladies with respect. Ladies just because you see a man does not mean that he is Mr. right. You must examine him first then go from their. Do not settle for anything. Always remember that their is a lover out their for you go and get your lover before someone eles beats you to the punch. The Bible saids treat others the way you want to be treated. Don't let your lover pass you by.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Start of A Brand New Week

Hello blogger well, well , well we are about to embark on another week. Throughout this week I want you to think about how thankful you are. God has been so good to us. Always remember to keep you head up, and stay positive. May the Lord continued to bless you, and be with you. Peace out.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thank You Followers

Hello blogger I want to say thank you to all of my supporters out their. I want to encourage those of you who are not on this train to hop on for the ride. I am all about helping people, and encouraging people that they can make it. Once again I say thank you.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thank You God

I was at a game on Friday Night when all of the sudden a wall collapse causing 12 to go to the hospital. When this took place I had just gotten up to go to the restroom. When I came out to go back to my seat, I saw all of these people standing around. Then I heard some thing about a wall collapsing, and students was on the field. I just thank God that his angels was over them, and that nobody that serious hurt. Watch this video, and see how God works.

One Monkey Can Not Stop The Show

Hello blogger this is the seventh installment of my series who are you. I want you to think back to when you were a child. Did you have a dream? I am pretty sure that you did. Now the question is have your dream came true yet? What is stopping you from reaching your dream? People will try to discourage you from reaching your dream, but you do not have to listen to them. Family members can also stand in the way from reaching your dream. One monkey can not stop the show. Their comes a time in your life were you have to make the final decision. You have to push for whatever your dream is. It is your dream go after it. So what let the people talk junk, but at the end their will be a pot of gold waiting just for you. Then those people who were talking all of that junk to you will have their hands stuck out their like give me a piece of that pie. Naw baby after all that trash you were talking to me I don't think so. Follow your heart, and I promise you that their will be a pot of gold waiting on you.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hold On

Hello blogger, well we are about to start up a brand new week. Remember to stay positive, and to keep your head up at all times. To the children the first half of school is all most out. Hang in their. To my college friends do not give up. I hope to continued my series tomorrow. Until next time this is Derrick saying trust in the Lord.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Going Way Back Some Years Ago

Hello blogger, I have found a song on YouTube that I have been searing for, for a very long time. This song is a classic in many churches today. I hope that you enjoy this song. May God bless his people.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Paying My Respects

As you know today is veterans day. I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to those men and women who have serve in the military. So I say thank you, thank you, thank you. May God bless the USA.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Good Deeds Will Go A Long Way

Hello blogger this is the sixth installment of my series entitled who are you. As I was watching the news Sunday night the meteorologist was talking about rain in the forecast. So as I listen to the report I thought well since it is going to be raining all day how about I walk with girls to their cars so their hair want get wet. The reason I share this story is their is not enough good deeds going around. Their is a lot of people not caring for each other. I want to challenge you by doing a least one good deed. It does not have to be big, it can be just a small deed. I dare you to do a good deed tomorrow. Just by doing a good deed can make some one's day. Come on everyone, and lets make time world a better place to live.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Where Is The Commitment?

Hello blogger this is the fifth installment of my series who are you. From my title you see the word commitment. The word commitment means that you are locked in to whatever you are doing. Weather it is in church, job, relationship, ect. When you are commitment to something stay with it. Ya it may hard, but do not walk away from it stay with it. Let say that you are involved in the church choir, and you are suppose to lead a song. When Sunday morning comes around you are no were to be found. Now is that right? My parent's told me that if I commit myself to something then I am to stay with it until the end. If you have made a promise then stick with it. God sticks to his promises to us, so why can't you stick to yours. So the next time that your commit yourself to something stay with it until the end.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hang In Their

Hello blogger we are about to embark on another week. To the students I want to encourage to hang in their do not give up. To the of the hard working people out their do not put your head down. Keep up the good fight. Always remember to stay positive. May God bless you, and your family as well.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Here He comes Are You Ready?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Are You Trying to Get Hurt?

Hello blogger this is the fourth installment of my series who are you. You know their comes a time where you will see someone that you like, but the question is are they in a relationship? I was watching inside edition, and they ran a story about a women having an affair with another women's husband. You know you just do not do that unless you want to get hurt. All that you have to do is just wait on the right person to come around the corner. Is it worth your life getting hurt over something that you can avoid? Think about your actions before you make the move. Do not get hurt.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What is Your Excuse?

Hello blogger this is the third installment of my series who are you? I want you to watch these videos, and as you are watching I want you to think about what it is that is keeping you from your big break through.

Do you believe in yourself?

Now what is your excuse now?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Do You Know The Real You?

Hello blogger this is the second installment of my series who are you? Sometime we can fool ourselves by acting out of the norm. One day you may be up beat, and the next day you may feel like doing nothing. You may have some problems that is keeping you back from something big. Someone might have said something that you did not like. What do you do fight or move on? Most likely you are going to move on unless you like going to jail. I am sure that you have been tested on how much mess people have caused you. I want you to think back of when you was in high school, and someone tried to pick a fight with you. What did you do? As you go throughout your life people will test you to see how far you will go. They want you to act in a way that they want you to act, and when you do not they get mad. Who are you as a person? How would to act towards hatefulness? Do you know the real you?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Getting Back To Old Ways

Hello blogger this is the start of my new series "who are you". When I was a little kid I used to go up to anybody, and have a conversation. Now that I have gotten a little bit older I have drop off as far as staring up an conversation. So now the question is how can I get back to my old self? I must get back to my old ways, and start talking. The lesson that I want to to get out of my little story is that you must not be scared of nothing. I am sure that it was a time in you life were you were scared to face a problem, but I came to remind you to get back to your old self. Do not be scared to stand up to what ever it is standing in your way. Knock it down with force. So I say get back to you old self, and get back to who you are.

Friday, October 30, 2009

A Friendly Reminder

Alright blogger don't forget to set your clocks back an hour before you go to bed on Saturday night. My series will up on Sunday, so stay tune for that. Until next time this is Derrick saying peace out.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A New Series Is Coming

Everyday as I go through life, I begin to wonder about people's judgement. Some people are throwing their life away, while others are trying to make it. The series that I will be stating up in November will be design to encourage people, to help people who have falling by the waist side, and to focus on their dream. The series will be entitled " Who are you". I will be sharing some great information will you. Please stay tune, and I will be blogging soon.

Keeping It Moving

Well October is coming to a close. November is right around the corner. We are heading into a brand new week. Remember to stay positive at all times. Remember to keep your head up. As you go throughout this week I want you to a least one positive thing. Until next time this is Derrick saying peace out.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Get Tha Job Done

All of us are guilty of putting stuff off that needs to get done. Weather it is on your job, or at home you tend to put it off. Maybe you have a project that you are working on, and you put it off to start on another project. I want to put a bug in your ear get that project done then move on to the next project that you have to do. You will feel so much better when you get the project done. So the next time that you get into another project make sure that you complete that job before you move on to the next one.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Moving Right Along

What's going on blogger? I want to remind you to keep you head up at all times. I know that you can do it. I know that some people may push your buttons, but you must go on and do what you have to do. As the song saids taking care of business. Until next time be safe, be good, and have fun.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Who Is Tha Parent and Who Is Tha Child

You know some parents are doing the right thing by raising their child, and making sure that they did not get into trouble. My parents have already told me that if I went to jail then they were not coming to get me. However, their are some parents out their that is getting mistreated by their own child. So I say who is the parent, and who is the child. Parents when your child acts up in public what do you do?, just sit their and act like it is cute, or do you confront your child about their acting behavior? Parents you must take control of your child. The police can not babysit your child, the school system can not do it either. It is up to you to raise your child. Take some stuff away that your child likes. Make them learn a lesson. My father told me cow horns will hook. Do not be afraid of your child. Step up, and be a parent to your child. Come on parents step up your parenting skills.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Someone Needs You

As I go out in public I can not help, but think about all those who are in need of help. Someone is in need of help. Someone is holding their head down thinking that the world is against them. You may go to work, and notice that one of your co-workers is down. They may be going through some things that they have been holding in for a long time. They may need you to come over, and talk to them. You never know how you just begin their will give them motivation as they go throughout the day. Someone needs you right now. So go and answer that call, and go see what that person needs from you. You and that person will be bless. Until next time be safe, be good, and have fun.

Monday, October 12, 2009

October Is Moving Fast

Wow October is moving fast. Thanksgiving in fast approaching. I just stop by to say that I hope that you have a bless week. What ever that you do please do not get into trouble. My birthday was yesterday, and it was fun. Until next time you all be safe, have fun, and be good.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Word With The Teens

All teenagers please listen up. What is the world are you all doing? Do you not care about your family? Do you not care about yourself? Come on now get your act together, and straighten up. It does not make any kind of sense the way that you all are caring yourselves. You are making a bad impression on yourselves, you family, and your community. Now what to you have to say for yourselves. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Do you not care about yourself? Come on now you all have to do better than what you all are putting out. Can you not do just one positive thing for you, and your family? I dare you all to make a change. I dare you all to go to church this coming Sunday. Now enough is enough. Make a change for yourself please. It is not worth going to the grave at a early age. It is not worth going to jail over something that could have been avoided. I just dare you all to make a change.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I Need Help

Alright blogger I need your help. Their is this girl that I like, but my problem is that I can not seem to get her on my side. She is a beautiful girl. Now I know it is going to take some time to get her on my side. I must not give up on her. I am going to fight until I can not fight no more. I need some ideas, so if you can help me out I will greatly take your ideas. May God bless you and your family.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Brand New Week

Well blogger it is a brand new week. Continue to stay positive in all that you do. Be a role model to someone who looks up up you. To all of the children continue to do good in school. Your parents want the best out of you. Continue to let you light shine everywhere that you go. May God bless each and everyone of you, and your family as well.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Do Not Give Up

Hello blogger, how are y'all today? Well this will be the final installment of my series open your eyes and see the light. Sometimes people are in your ear saying that you will not be able to make it. Sometimes tha devil is right up in tha mix saying tha same thing. Now you are in a situation where you do not know what to do, but wait their is something that you can do. That is get down on your knees and pray. Their is a dream that you are going after go and get it. Push until you reach your dream. Sometimes tha road will get hard and long, but I am hear to tell you that you will and you can make it. Their was a time in my life where I wanted to throw in tha towel, but my family was their to tell me that I can do it. Put you trust in God, and see where God takes you. May God bless you and your family.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Let The Haters Hate and You Move on

Hello everyone how are y'all today? This is the seventh installment of my series open your eyes and see the light. You go to work everyday and you may have one or two people hating on what you are trying to do. I do not understand why people hate on other people who are trying to do something positive. You may get caught up in one of those things where a person may come by you and give you an evil look like what are you doing. Let them hate on you and you move on. You do not have time to be caught up in all that mess. They are just trying to causes trouble that is all they are trying to do. So do not get caught up in all of the mess, and you just keep holding your head up, and march on until victory is won.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Thank You Followers

Hello followers how are y'all doing? I want to thank y'all for following me. I see that some new followers have joined my blog, and I want to thank you. If their is anything that I can do for you just leave a comment at the bottom, and I will get back to you. May God bless you and your whole entire family.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Starting Fresh

It's a start of a new week. Wow it is amazing how this year is going by. Make sure that you keep you head up at all time. What ever you do stay positive on what you do. Do not let anyone tell you that you can not do it because you can. Keep your eye on tha prize, and everything will be alright. May God continue to bless you and you whole entire family.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Broken Hearts

Hello everyone I bet you are glad that today is Friday. This is the sixth installment of my series entitled open your eyes and see the light. I want to talk to all of the ladies out their who hearts have been broken by men. Men are going to do what they want to do. Let me give up an example. Lets say that you get into a relationship with a guy that you love, and everything is going good then all of the sudden your man hurts you by cheating on you. He begs and begs to you to let him back in to your life, and he promise not to cheat on you again. What would you tell him yes or no?

The problem that I have is that you are better than that. You should not have to go through tha pain that your man has gone out and cheated on you. Ladies you must make an example out of that guy who cheated on you. You must stand up and take control over your life. Their is a true man out their looking for you. Take control over your life and say NO I will not take you back. You must ask yourself what do you want for you. Look I am tired and sick of men cheating on women. Put your foot down and make a strong statement.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How Bad Do You Want The Job?

This is the fifth installment of my series open your eyes and see the light. Jobs are begin lost from left to right, but soon jobs will come back into the picture. So now the question is how bad do you want the job? It all depends on you on how you go about getting the job. You will not get a job by wearing a drug shirt. If you want the job that you really like then you are going to go all out to make sure that you get the job. Your first impression in when you go to job service. You want to look nice because you are being interviewed right their on the spot. Make sure that you look neat and clean. So the next time you go on a hunt of a job I want you to ask yourself how bad do I want this job?

Monday, September 21, 2009

" I Want to Know What Love Is"

Hello everyone. Mariah Carey has a new song out called "I want to know what love is". I hope that you like it.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Brand New Week

Alright everyone it is a brand new week. I want you to go into to work with a positive attitude. Remember to keep you head up at all times. Children remember to do well in school. Do your best work at all times. Do not quit on your dreams. You can do it if you put your mind to it. Please stay safe, be good, and have fun as you go throughout this week.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Think Before You Take Action

Hello everyone I hope that you having a good day. This is the fourth installment of my series entitled open your eyes and see the light. I want to asks all of the teens a question Is it worth going to jail over something stupid? Some of y'all are heading down the wrong path. If you are not careful then you might find yourself in one or two places jail or in the graveyard. Some of y'all are hanging around the wrong crowd that will lead you to destruction. So the question is what do you need to do in order to stay out of trouble with the police? Here is a simply answer do not hang out with friends who are not trying to better themselves for the future. Think before you take action. Think about your life, your future, and most importantly think about your family. Your parents cares about you. They want the best out of you. So all that I am saying is think before you take action. I am trying to save you from harm.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Where Is The Respect?

Hello blogger this is the third installment of the series entitled open your eye and see the light. Everywhere that I go I see a lot of mistreatment, and I keep asking myself why do we mistreat and disrespect each other? What I came to realize is that some people do not respect themselves in order to respect others. I see little children disrespecting their parents, teachers, and others who are over them. So I say where is the respect? Look you must respect each other weather you like them or not. Show some love and respect each other. May God bless you and your whole entire family.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Where Were You On 9/11/2001?

This past weekend was the eight year of the horrible attacks that happened on US soil. I remember this like it was yesterday. I remember coming back from recess when I heard about the attacks in New York. I was walking behind these two ladies talking about the attacks. When I got into the classroom I kept on thinking to myself what could have happened in this county. The bell rung for us to go home. When I go on the bus I kept on thinking and wondering what happen. When I got home I threw my book bag down on turn on the TV. I could not believe what I saw. Two airplanes hit the twin buildings, and one into the pentagon. All that I can say was my goodness.

To all the the families who were affected by this I want to say to you that your love ones are looking down upon you smiling big at you. Continue to let you light shine everywhere that you go. May God bless you, and your whole entire family. Let me know where were you when you heard about 9/11/2001.

I Am Back

Hello everyone. I am sorry that I have not been blogging like I should, but I am back. I have alot of blogging to do. My series open your eyes and see the light will be back soon. I miss reading the great blogs that has gone out. I am back and ready. God bless you all.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hello Everyone

Hello blogger, how are y'all today? I am sorry that I have not been on blogging, I have been dealing with school and all of that. The series open your eyes and see the light will hopeful be back on Saturday. I have decided to take a break. I hope that y'all have a bless day, and stay positive.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Word of Encouragement

Hello everyone I hope that everyone is having a good day. We are about to start up a brand new week. As you go through the week I want you to think positive toughs. I want you to hold up your head up at all times. I know that some people will test you, but all you have to do is put the word of God on them and move on. You do not have time to get caught up in all of the mess. If you see someone in need be nice and help them out. Remember is be nice to everyone that you meet because they will remember you when you are having a hard time. Stay positive.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Young Men Pull Your Pants Up.

Hello everyone this is the second installment of my series open your eyes and see the light. When I am out in public, and see young males with their pants below their waist I can not help but say why are you making yourself look bad? What is the point of having on pants if you are not going to pull them up on your waist? What kind of statement are you trying to prove with your pants hanging down low? You know it is okay to be different. You do not have to go out here making a bad representation on yourself, your family, and your community. Young men pull up your pants, and don not let your pant hang. Come on now you have got to have more respect of yourself. If you are reading this I want to issue out a challage to all of the young men. The next time you leave out, and go somewhere please what ever you do, do not make your parent's , yourself, and your community look bad. Remeber you have little kids watching your every move.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Look Were We Came From

Hello everyone the day has finally came to start up the series open your eyes and see the light. Throughout this series I will be covering alot of different topics that I see going on in the world today. Like I said before their will be some issue that you might not like to here, but I must tell the truth. I am on a mission to help people get back on track in their everyday life's.

As I look back in the 1960's and so on, I can not help but say my my my look at how many people gave up their life's so we may have a better future. Now that we are in the 21st century it seem like everything has taken a turn for the worst instead of the better. Our children are in gangs, having children when they are children their selves, and etc. Thousands of people have given up their life's so that we may have a better, and everyday we are waisting our life's away. I believe that we as Americans have an obligation to those who have giving up their life's for us. I am pretty sure that you have some family members that have fought in battles that they did not want to. All they want from us is they want us to live the best life's that be can possibly live.

Friday, August 28, 2009

New Series Is Coming

As I sit back and watching what is going on around me I amaze at what is happening. I will be starting up a series entitle open your eyes and see the light. This series will contain some issues that you might not like to hear, but I must tell the truth. I want to talk to the women as well as the men. The first installment will be in September, so please stay tune.

Monday, August 24, 2009

A New Thing is Coming

Starting in September I will be posting some encouraging words to help you get through the week. I know that some people will try to get to you thinking that you can not get the job done. To all of the students I will encourage y'all to. Just Keep your heads up, and know through Christ that you can do all things. May God bless his people.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Beware of Children

Last night I was at a Jamboree because after all it is football season. Everything was going perfect then all of the sudden a fight breaks out while my family and I was walking toward the car. Now keep in mind their are little kids out their watching this fight go down. High school kids cussing from left to right. I am saying to myself hello their are little kids out here you know. I guess what I am trying to say is little kids are watching your every move. Be careful of your actions when you are out and about.

Friday, August 21, 2009

My First Day of School

My first day of school was wonderful. I glad to see some old friends and some classmates. I am kind of mad at myself because I saw two young ladies that I met in the spring term and did not get their number from them. I have some pretty hard classes, but I will make it through the classes that I have. I hope that everyone is having a bless day. Remember is it Friday. Peace out.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

And My School Year Begins

Well it is off to school for me tomorrow, and I can not wait. I know their are some hills that I must climb in order to get where I need to go. I am ready for anything that comes my way. All that is left to say is let the season begin. I will keep you posted on what is going on with me so stay tune. Peace out.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hello Everyone

Hello blogger I hope that everyone is having a bless day in the name of the Lord. Well the school year has begun for my brother, sister, and my parents. My school year will start up on Thursday. To my followers I want to thank you for your support. I want to encourage those who want to be apart of the great blog to join in, and hop on for the ride. May God bless you all and your families as well.

Friday, August 14, 2009

It's Friday

Well it is Friday. I bet that you are glad about it. You have been working hard trying to provide for your family. All you want now is to come home and sit down on the couch with you feet kicked up. I know that you have got alot of things to do over the weekend. I want to say to you to have a safe and bless weekend. Now here is a song that will bless your heart.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Let The Season Begin

Well it is almost time for the "s" word school. Some of y'all have already started and some of y'all probably start up next week. Just remember that you are going to school to learn. Now I am not saying not to have fun, but their is a time to have fun and not to have fun. When you are in the classroom play time should stop so you can focus on what you have to do. I am here if you need me. I will start up on Aug 20. Their is one thing left to say let the school year begin!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We Still Have Some Work To Do America

First off I want to give a shout out to MZ-Resticted for posting a video that was hard breaking to me. The video that I am referring to is the 87 year old women begin taken down to the ground over a knife. Now my issue with the video is that the officer did not have to body slam the women like that. Their is a wrong way and a right way to get a person to obey your commands. I must warn you now this video is heart breaking to see. I do not wish this upon anyone. Let me know your take is on this video.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

What Time Is It?

Alright football lovers the season is here. It's football time baby. So gather around the TV set, and get ready for some football. The hall of fame game is this Sunday between the Titans and the Bills. TO will make his debut. It's football time.

Encouragement From Me

Are you having a bad day? If you are having a bad day do not worry because I have your back. Do you ever feel like giving up? I am here to tell you please do not. God is right their looking down at you. Here is a song that I am sure it will bless your heart.

Staying Positive When Things Do Not Go Your Way

I am sure that you have heard the word positive over and over again. Their are some things that is going on in your life that made you mad. You may have gotten in trouble for something that you do not do. You must be positive in everything that you do. Things may not go right sometimes, but you must hold your head up, and continue to look forward. You must focus on what you have to do, and if you should get in trouble, then learn from those miscues and go from their. Always remember to stay positive through thick and thin.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

To The Jailhouse They Go

Yesterday on the radio, I heard the most painful thing. How come a man had his stuff glued to his stomach. Get this the women did not used regular glued, but she used Superglue. Why in this world would someone wants to do such a thing? Now they will be going to jail. Let me know what y'all think.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Lets Get This Party Started

Alright children of all ages as you know it is almost time for school. I do not care what you did last year the 2009-2010 school year is brand new. I want you to get off to a good note. The month of August will be dedicated to encouragement. I want the best out of you. Your parents want the best out of you. So lets get this party started.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Do You Believe in Yourself?

My blog title, you can do it, shows that if you put your mind to whatever it is that you are doing that you can be successful. Many of times people will bring you down with them. I have a question for you. Do you believe in yourself? I am pretty sure that you come home from work thinking that you can not to the job. Somewhere in your heart their is a voice saying push until you can not push anymore. You must show heart saying yes I can do it. You must believe in yourself. You may feel like you want to give up, but a voice is telling you do not. You must show a side for you that know one has not seen from you. You can do it. All you have to do is believe in yourself that you can do it.

Get Up and Go To School

Alright young people it is almost time to go back to school. I want to encourage those who are thinking about going to school to get up, and get yourself in school. You will feel good about yourself for doing that. It is never to late to get yourself into school. So step right up, and go to school.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Do Not Mess Things Up

Guys I want to talk to you. You have something good going for you, and the next thing you know you blow it. You have a good job, and you have everything going for you. Listen do not mess anything up that you have going for you. You have work hard to get in a position to move. The ladies will come, but at the same you must remain focus on what it is you have to do. What ever you do, do not mess things up for yourself. I do not want you to put yourself in a position where you have to depend on anyone else. What ever you do please do not mess yourself up.

Monday, July 27, 2009

I Have Added A Chat Box

Hello follower, I just want to let you know that I have added a chat box to my blog. If you would like to chat with me just leave me a comment, and I will get back to you. So come on and chat with me. God bless you all.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Differents Between A Fake Man and A Real Man

Ladies I want to asked you a question What kind of man do you really want? Time on time again a man will play his cards the wrong way. A man can be misleading sometimes you if you are not paying attention. Now a fake man will treat you like you are his slave. Like he will demand you do to something that you do not feel like doing. For example, he wants his dinner on the table when he gets home. However, a real man will treat you like a queen. He will not talk down to you. When you talk about having a kid, a fake man will say all kinds of negative things to you. He will call you names, and make you feel like you are not worth anything. A real man will understand that you are caring a baby, and that you need him to do things for you. A fake man will try his best to tear you down, but a real man will build you up. Ladies their are good men out their that is trying to find good queens. You have to examine yourself to see what it that you want. You are worth something to a real man. You may be in a relationship right now, and your boyfriend is treating you bad. You must take a stand, and let your boyfriend know how he is going to treat you. If he can not go by your rules get out of the relationship right then and there. So I want to ask you a question do you want a fake man or a real man? Tomorrow I will look at the flip side of this.

Listening to wise wisdom

As I look around this world and thought out this nation, I am seeing that people like to hit their heads on a hard brick wall instead of listening to wise wisdom. I had to learn this lesson the hard way. I wanted to do things my way. Some people may listen to wise wisdom while others may not. It want hurt you to listen to wise wisdom from your parents, grandma, grandpa, and some other people who have lived longer than you have. Some people might take the wisdom to heart while others throw it down the drain. If you do not listen to wise wisdom then you will found yourself in a mud hole trying to get out. I do not want you to do that. I want to put out a challenge that is starting today I want you to start listening to wise wisdom.

Monday, July 20, 2009

It Is Called Work

You know when you invite someone to your house they are going to look around to see what you have in your house. They ask you how come you can get this, but I can not? You told them well you know you have to work in order for you to have something. People do not understand that if you want something you must bust your tail every single day, and work. You can not have anything that you see in some else house unless you work. So the next time someone ask you how come you have that? sit them down, and tell them about the "w" word called WORK.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Your Heart is Broken

Have you ever wonder that your current boyfriend is the right one for you. Men have you ever thought that your current girlfriend is the right one for you. Then all of the sudden you found out that your significant other is cheating on you. When you approach him or her about it they shot you a bunch of bull. You run home crying on your bed saying why? I want to ask you a question was that the right man for you? Men was that the right women for you? If you truly love that significant other would you work things out or cut them a loose? Everyone knows what they are looking for when it comes to finding that one. Their is someone out their looking for you.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Taking care of your responsibility

Teens I want to ask you all a question Why are you putting your responsibility on your parents? I am talking about having babies and leaving them with your parents so you can go have fun. Now tell me is that right or wrong? Your parents did not make the baby you did, so you need to step up, and take care of your responsibility. Your parents should not have to take care of your child, but they should be grandma and grandpa not mom and dad. Yes I know you want to have fun, but you have a baby in the picture. So what let your friends talk about you. Do what you have to do in order to support your child.

My season is almost here

My season is almost here. I am talking about football. I hope that my teams will do well this upcoming season. My teams are the Carolina Panthers and the South Carolina Gamecocks. I believe that both of my teams will fair pretty well. I will be blogging about these teams in the near future. So stay tune. Yes I can not wait. It should be fun.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Powerful Message

I ran across a powerful message that Ray Leiws gave at Steve McNair funeral. I would like for you to listen to this speech. If you have kids bring them to the computer, and let them listen to this powerful speech. I hope this speech will change your lifes forever.

To All of The Single Mother's

Last night I was sitting on my couch watching the baseball game, and I was thinking about what to blog about next. The light bulb came on to encourage all of the single mother's out their. I just want to say to you all that you are not alone. Just continue to raise your child the right way. Remind them that when they begin to have kids they need to be their life's. To all of the children out their help your mother out. To all the single mother's hold your head up. Lead your kids in the way that they should go.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Don't Worried About What People Says About You

People are going to talk about you weather you like it or not. Just think about it you are trying to do something good for yourself, and the next thing you know people are talking about you. You have set some goals in your life that you want to get done before you go on. Do not worried about what other people says about you. They do not want you to be successful in your life. When I was coming up I had to learn the same idea the hard way. Now that I am growing up I realize that I can not listen to negative talk. People will say some hurtful things to you, but that is ok because that do not know what your plans are. Just remember the next time people wants to talk down to you, you turn that comment into a positive.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Do Not Give Up

I know it is hard out their trying to get a job with no one hiring at this point in time. I just want to say to you do not give up because God has not given up on you. God has a blessing for you right around the corner for you. Keep the faith, and just know that everything will be alright. Hold your head up, and do not look at the ground. Walk forward, and do not take a step back. Look up because God is smiling at right now. What ever you do, do not give up on your dreams.

Why did you do that for?

I came across this video on YouTube today, and I want to share it with you. It is very funny. I hope that you enjoy this video.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Being A Leader and Not A Follower

A leader is someone who can show other the way, to lead them in the right direction. A leader is not someone who is going to tell you something wrong. You may have a group of friends who is trying to lead you the wrong way. You must understand that those friends are not up to know good. They want to go to jail or to the grave yard. You must let those friends go, and move on with your life. You are trying to make something of yourself. Yes I know they will talk behind your back, let them you can not get caught up in all of that mess. You are a leader that can lead. The question is will you lead? or will you follow the pack who will lead you the wrong way.

Hello followers

Hello followers, I am sorry that I have not been on. I am in school right now, so I must focus on that. I am reading your blogs so keep posting. May God bless each of you, and God bless the USA.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Killing other people

Today in the great county of the United States of America we are face with a issue of killing people. I do not know why or what is going through these people minds when they pull the trigger. Here in South Carolina there is a serial killer out on the loose. This individual has taking the life's of five people. This story is all over the news. Why would someone want to do this? The only thing I can think of is the killer does not want to enjoy life, and he thinks that he has the right to take a life from another person. When he gets caught, the individual should not go to trail. He should go straight to the death bed. I hate to say that, but the truth is the truth. What makes a person pull the trigger on someone who is living their life?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The passing of Steve McNair

I found out on yesterday afternoon that Steve McNair has gone on tho be with the Lord. I do not know why people wants to kill people. It is sad because he left behind a wife and four kids. Steve played for the Tennessee titans and Baltimore ravens. Why in the world would someone want to hurt another person. Steve McNair everyone.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday America

Hello guys, I just want to wish everyone a happy birthday. I do not want anyone to get in trouble today. I am not saying not to have fun, but watch your backs at all times. I will be going to a water park today. I am looking forward to that. I want to thank our man and women who are serving across seas. Y'all be good, and have fun today as we celebrate another birthday. God bless America.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Showing Heart and Determination

Serena Williams and Elena Dementieva were in a dog fight on yesterday. The tennis match went back and forth. Every time Serena would miss the ball she would have a look on her face like no not now. Every time that Elena would score a point she had a look on her face saying yes I am one step closer to the grand prize. So let fast forward to thrid set, Serena would go up one, and Elena would come back to tie things up. Serena was up 6-5 in the thrid set when Elena would tie things back up. At this point, Serena was determine to win. Serena won the game, and will face her sister tomorrow. The point that I am trying to make is you have to show heart and determination in everything that you do. Weather it is on your job, school, church. family, etc. Serena was determine to win, and now her will go for the championship against Venus Williams.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Why would you want to have a snake in the house?

Why is the world would someone in their right mind want to have a snake inside of the house. I do not understand this logic at all. I was watching the news yesterday, and I heard a story of a little girl was found dead because she had a python around her neck. The father say that he put the snake up for the night. When he got up the python was around the girl neck. Now he has a little girl dead, might face jail time. I just do not understand.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Do You Know Jesus

Jesus is on his way back to come and get his people. The bible records that Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us. The best thing that I can do is introduce someone who might not know who Jesus is. I want to ask you do you know who Jesus is?

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It's time to have fun

You might not be having a great a night, but here is a funny prank.

Do not stay with cheater

You know I get so trier and sick of men cheating on their queens. I get so trier and sick of seeing women getting hurt by their man. Do he not realize that he is hurting his children. What are they kids going to do when they grow up, and getting where they can date. What are the men teaching their children o yea it is OK to cheat. No my child it is not OK for you to cheat on your women. Where are the fathers at to help out with this problem. My ladies if you are by any way living with a cheating man, I want to encourage you to pack up all of your stuff, and get out. You are worth something to a real king that will treat you with the up most respect. Get out while you can. I will never cheat on a queen when I find that one. That is a promise.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Dreaming Big

Their are many things in life that you want to do. Their are some people who are going to stand in your way from making your dreams come true. You have been dreaming of something for a very long time. It is time for that dream to come true. Dream big, and do not settle for anything less. When your dream comes true you will be happy. Keep on dreaming, and do not give up on your dreams.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

And You Are Not Alone

Sometimes you may feel like the world has got your back. Sometime you may feel left out of something that you wanted to be apart of. You may feel like God has forgotten about you. You may feel like you want to give up, but I came to tell you that you are not alone. God has got your back through these tough times we are going through. When I first heard this song I was on my way to church. I like the song because it reminded me that I was not alone. You may want to give up, but I say you don't because God is right their in the thick of things. God bless all of God's people. If you want to listen to "You are not alone" head over to youtube.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

If you know right then do right

Everybody should know by now right from wrong, but some people do not. Ladies you have to be careful of who who spend the rest of your life with. Some men will talk their game to you, and get you to come to their side of the fence. You must ask questions about them before you settle down with them. If you know right then do right. You must do your homework first then go on from their. Choose your life partner wisely.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

A sad day in the music world

As many for y' all know the "King of Pop" is dead. Michael Jackson has gone on to be with the Lord. Michael Jackson everyone.

How to treat a lady?

I said this before and I will say is again I am so tired and sick of men mistreating the ladies. Well, How do you treat a lady? Men you must take good care of your women. Do things like cooking, cleaning, or what ever she wants you to do. Take this example, Your women comes home from a long day from work, and she is ready to sit down, and watch TV. You might ask her what can you do for her. She might say I want you to cook for me and rub my feet. Your lady will feel good. I am willing to bet you that if treat your lady right good things might happened for you. So treat your lady right.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What are you doing Governor

COLUMBIA — After going AWOL for seven days, Gov. Mark Sanford admitted Wednesday that he had secretly flown to Argentina to visit a woman with whom he was having an affair. Wiping away tears, he apologized to his family and gave up a national Republican Party post, but was silent on whether he would resign.

Excerpts from the news conference
COLUMBIA — In a rambling, nearly 20-minute news conference about his affair with a woman in Argentina, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford talked about his past adventures along the Appalachian Trail, God's law, moral absolutes, and his first, low-budget gubernatorial campaign during which his former chief of staff slept in his basement, which was jokingly dubbed "Jurassic Park" because of its dinosaur-themed sheets.
Here are a few highlights from statements he made about the affair:
-- "What I did was wrong. Period. End of story."
-- "I've been unfaithful to my wife. I developed a relationship with what started as a dear, dear friend from Argentina. It began very innocently as I suspect many of these things do, in just a casual e-mail back and forth in advice on one's life there and advice here. But here recently, over this last year, it developed into something much more than that.
-- "And as a consequence, I hurt her, I hurt you all, I hurt my wife, I hurt my boys, I hurt friends like (former chief of staff) Tom Davis. I hurt a lot of different folks. And all I can say is that I apologize."
-- “About a year ago it sparked into something more than that. I have seen her three times since then, during that whole sparking thing. And at that point, we went into serious overdrive in trying to say, 'Where do you go from here?' "
-- "The one thing that you really find is that you absolutely want resolution. And so oddly enough, I spent the last five days of my life crying in Argentina."
-- "The odyssey that we're all on in life is with regard to heart. Not what I want or what you want but in other words, indeed this larger notion of truly trying to put other people first. And I suspect if I'd really put this other person first, I wouldn't have jeopardized her life as I have. I certainly wouldn't have done it to my wife, I wouldn't have done it to my boys, I wouldn't have done it to the Tom Davises of the world. This was selfishness on my part and for that I'm most apologetic."
On whether he told his staff that he was going to Argentina, rather than the Appalachian Trail, which is where they told reporters he had gone:
-- "That is my fault in shrouding this larger trip. That's my fault. That's my fault."
-- "I didn't tell them, I just said, 'Hey guys, this is where I think I'm going to go.' ... They went on the original information that I had given."
On criticism from fellow Republicans:
-- "At this point, it would be obvious that they and others would be disappointed."
-- "I'm committed to that process of walking through with (his wife) Jenny, the boys, the Tom Davises of the world, the people of South Carolina in saying, 'Where do we go from here?' I would simply say I go back to that simple word of asking for forgiveness."

Key Documents:
  • Excerpts of Sanford's Press Conference

"I've been unfaithful to my wife," he said in a news conference in which the 49-year-old governor ruminated on God's law, moral absolutes and following one's heart. He said he spent the last five days "crying in Argentina."

Sanford, who in recent months had been mentioned as a possible presidential candidate in 2012, said he would resign as head of the Republican Governors Association.

By leaving the country without formally transferring power, critics said he neglected his gubernatorial authority and put the state at risk. It wasn't clear how his staff could reach him in an emergency.

At least one state lawmaker called for his resignation. As a congressman, Sanford voted in favor of three of four articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, citing the need for "moral legitimacy."

The affair is now over, Sanford said, describing the woman who lives in Argentina as a "dear, dear friend" whom he has known for about eight years and been romantically involved with for about a year. He said he has seen her three times since the affair began, and his wife found out about it five months ago. A newspaper published steamy e-mails between Sanford and the woman. He did not identify her.

"What I did was wrong. Period," he said. His family did not attend the news conference, and his wife Jenny Sanford said she asked the governor to leave and stop speaking to her two weeks ago. The governor said he wants to reconcile, and his wife's statement said her husband has earned a chance to resurrect their marriage.

"This trial separation was agreed to with the goal of ultimately strengthening our marriage," she said.

Sanford denied instructing his staff to cover up his affair, but acknowledged that he told them he thought he would be hiking on the Appalachian Trail and never corrected that impression after leaving for South America.

"I let them down by creating a fiction with regard to where I was going," Sanford said. "I said that was the original possibility. Again, this is my fault in ... shrouding this larger trip."

Questions about Sanford's whereabouts arose early this week. For two days after reporters started asking questions, his office had said he had gone hiking on the trail.

Cornered at the Atlanta airport by a reporter from The State newspaper, Sanford revealed Wednesday morning that he had gone to Argentina for a seven-day trip.

When news first broke about his mysterious disappearance, Jenny Sanford told The Associated Press she did not know where her husband and father of their four sons had gone for the Father's Day weekend. She said he needed time away to write.

Sanford emerged Wednesday afternoon at a news conference, where he mused openly of his love of hiking and how he used to guide trips along the Appalachian Trail, and eventually tearfully apologized to his wife, his staff and his friends — but without yet saying what he was apologizing for.

"I hurt a lot of different folks," he said, occasionally choking up throughout the news conference that lasted about 20 minutes.

With those watching still wondering what he was admitting, Sanford said: "The odyssey that we're all on in life is with regard to heart."

Excerpts of e-mail exchanges between the governor and his mistress were published online Wednesday by The State. The governor's office wouldn't discuss the e-mails with The Associated Press, but told The State it wouldn't dispute the authenticity of the messages.

One from the governor read: "I could digress and say that you have the ability to give magnificent gentle kisses, or that I love your tan lines or that I love the curve of your hips, the erotic beauty of you holding yourself (or two magnificent parts of yourself) in the faded glow of the night's light — but hey, that would be going into sexual details."

Several residents said they were disappointed in Sanford.

"He shouldn't have lied to us. He should have been up straight," said college student Gerald Walker, 19, in downtown Columbia. "It's very embarrassing for someone in a leadership role that we are supposed to respect, especially me being a young guy."

Glenn Mitchell, of Columbia, said he felt Sanford's absence showed a lack of concern for the state.

"He left the state unattended," said Mitchell, 54, out of work recuperating from surgery. "He just hasn't been there for us."

State Rep. Todd Rutherford, D-Columbia, called for Sanford's resignation.

"There is nothing left to save," Rutherford said. "There is no reason for him to remain as governor."

Sanford, a former three-term congressman, was elected governor in 2002. He has more than a year remaining in his second term and is barred by state law from running again.

Sanford was elected chairman of the Republican Governors Association this year after he helped raise a record $10.6 million at the group's 2008 annual dinner to help elect GOP governors. The association said Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour would assume the duties as chairman.

The libertarian-leaning Republican was seldom a firebrand. But he was known for salting tales of family life into policy discussions.

He criticized the $787 billion federal stimulus law and efforts by legislators to claim a share of it by saying in tough times a family would sit around the table and find ways to cut spending.

His vocal battle against the Obama administration over the stimulus money won praise from conservative pundits, but ultimately, a state court order required him to take the money.

Jenny Sanford, a millionaire whose family fortune comes from the Skil Corp. power tool company, has been central to Sanford's political career. She ran his congressional campaigns and his first race for governor. She was an almost daily fixture at senior staff meetings, and often could be seen driving a minivan away from the Statehouse in the mornings.

The two met when Sanford, who has an MBA, was trying his hand on Wall Street. She was working at a brokerage house when he entered a training program.

As governor, Sanford has had seemingly endless run-ins with the GOP-dominated Legislature, once bringing pigs to the House chamber to protest pork barrel spending. He also put a "spending clock" outside his office to show how quickly a proposed budget would spend state money.

Sanford's announcement came a day after another prominent Republican, Sen. John Ensign of Nevada, apologized to his GOP Senate colleagues after revealing last week that he had an affair with a campaign staffer and was resigning from the GOP leadership.

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press.