Tuesday, November 17, 2009

One Monkey Can Not Stop The Show

Hello blogger this is the seventh installment of my series who are you. I want you to think back to when you were a child. Did you have a dream? I am pretty sure that you did. Now the question is have your dream came true yet? What is stopping you from reaching your dream? People will try to discourage you from reaching your dream, but you do not have to listen to them. Family members can also stand in the way from reaching your dream. One monkey can not stop the show. Their comes a time in your life were you have to make the final decision. You have to push for whatever your dream is. It is your dream go after it. So what let the people talk junk, but at the end their will be a pot of gold waiting just for you. Then those people who were talking all of that junk to you will have their hands stuck out their like give me a piece of that pie. Naw baby after all that trash you were talking to me I don't think so. Follow your heart, and I promise you that their will be a pot of gold waiting on you.