Monday, November 30, 2009

Spreading The Love

Hello blogger this is the last part of my series who are you? I want to ask you a question are you spreading some love, are you showing some love ?The word love is a powerful word, and it is a word that should not be taken lightly. You should love everyone, and help them out anyway that you can. Quit fighting with each other, and show some love. Give them a hug. Show them that you care about them. It is time to spread the love just like Jesus showed us some love by dying upon the cross to save our sins. The bible teaches us that we are to love one another not fight with each other. Go out, and start showing some love to everyone that you meet.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Keep On Fighting

Hello blogger it has been a while since my last post. I just wanted to remind you all to keep your head up, and do not look back. We are coming to the end of the year and I am excited. Just positive, and do not get caught up in all of the term oil. I will do the last part of my series tomorrow, so stay tune of that. Until next time keep your head up.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello blogger I want to wish you and your family a happy thanksgiving. As you gather with family, and friends take a moment to reflect on the good times and the bad times. What a day the Lord has made. Have fun, be good, and be safe.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Be Thankful

Hello blogger this is the 9th installment of my series who are you. I come across this blog, and this video. I do not know the name of the blog. After I listen to this message, I begin to think back on where God has brought me from. As we go into the Thanksgiving Holiday, I want you think sit at the table, and just thank God for his blessing upon your life. I hope that you enjoy this video.

Do Not Settle For Anything

Hello blogger this is the 8th installment of the series who are you. As I look around this country, I see more and more ladies getting hurt by men that do not want to act right. Ladies I want to say to you that their is a good king out their waiting to wrap his arms around you, and to love you the way that you are. To all of the brothers all their treat that ladies with respect. Ladies just because you see a man does not mean that he is Mr. right. You must examine him first then go from their. Do not settle for anything. Always remember that their is a lover out their for you go and get your lover before someone eles beats you to the punch. The Bible saids treat others the way you want to be treated. Don't let your lover pass you by.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Start of A Brand New Week

Hello blogger well, well , well we are about to embark on another week. Throughout this week I want you to think about how thankful you are. God has been so good to us. Always remember to keep you head up, and stay positive. May the Lord continued to bless you, and be with you. Peace out.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thank You Followers

Hello blogger I want to say thank you to all of my supporters out their. I want to encourage those of you who are not on this train to hop on for the ride. I am all about helping people, and encouraging people that they can make it. Once again I say thank you.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thank You God

I was at a game on Friday Night when all of the sudden a wall collapse causing 12 to go to the hospital. When this took place I had just gotten up to go to the restroom. When I came out to go back to my seat, I saw all of these people standing around. Then I heard some thing about a wall collapsing, and students was on the field. I just thank God that his angels was over them, and that nobody that serious hurt. Watch this video, and see how God works.

One Monkey Can Not Stop The Show

Hello blogger this is the seventh installment of my series who are you. I want you to think back to when you were a child. Did you have a dream? I am pretty sure that you did. Now the question is have your dream came true yet? What is stopping you from reaching your dream? People will try to discourage you from reaching your dream, but you do not have to listen to them. Family members can also stand in the way from reaching your dream. One monkey can not stop the show. Their comes a time in your life were you have to make the final decision. You have to push for whatever your dream is. It is your dream go after it. So what let the people talk junk, but at the end their will be a pot of gold waiting just for you. Then those people who were talking all of that junk to you will have their hands stuck out their like give me a piece of that pie. Naw baby after all that trash you were talking to me I don't think so. Follow your heart, and I promise you that their will be a pot of gold waiting on you.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hold On

Hello blogger, well we are about to start up a brand new week. Remember to stay positive, and to keep your head up at all times. To the children the first half of school is all most out. Hang in their. To my college friends do not give up. I hope to continued my series tomorrow. Until next time this is Derrick saying trust in the Lord.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Going Way Back Some Years Ago

Hello blogger, I have found a song on YouTube that I have been searing for, for a very long time. This song is a classic in many churches today. I hope that you enjoy this song. May God bless his people.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Paying My Respects

As you know today is veterans day. I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to those men and women who have serve in the military. So I say thank you, thank you, thank you. May God bless the USA.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Good Deeds Will Go A Long Way

Hello blogger this is the sixth installment of my series entitled who are you. As I was watching the news Sunday night the meteorologist was talking about rain in the forecast. So as I listen to the report I thought well since it is going to be raining all day how about I walk with girls to their cars so their hair want get wet. The reason I share this story is their is not enough good deeds going around. Their is a lot of people not caring for each other. I want to challenge you by doing a least one good deed. It does not have to be big, it can be just a small deed. I dare you to do a good deed tomorrow. Just by doing a good deed can make some one's day. Come on everyone, and lets make time world a better place to live.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Where Is The Commitment?

Hello blogger this is the fifth installment of my series who are you. From my title you see the word commitment. The word commitment means that you are locked in to whatever you are doing. Weather it is in church, job, relationship, ect. When you are commitment to something stay with it. Ya it may hard, but do not walk away from it stay with it. Let say that you are involved in the church choir, and you are suppose to lead a song. When Sunday morning comes around you are no were to be found. Now is that right? My parent's told me that if I commit myself to something then I am to stay with it until the end. If you have made a promise then stick with it. God sticks to his promises to us, so why can't you stick to yours. So the next time that your commit yourself to something stay with it until the end.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hang In Their

Hello blogger we are about to embark on another week. To the students I want to encourage to hang in their do not give up. To the of the hard working people out their do not put your head down. Keep up the good fight. Always remember to stay positive. May God bless you, and your family as well.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Here He comes Are You Ready?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Are You Trying to Get Hurt?

Hello blogger this is the fourth installment of my series who are you. You know their comes a time where you will see someone that you like, but the question is are they in a relationship? I was watching inside edition, and they ran a story about a women having an affair with another women's husband. You know you just do not do that unless you want to get hurt. All that you have to do is just wait on the right person to come around the corner. Is it worth your life getting hurt over something that you can avoid? Think about your actions before you make the move. Do not get hurt.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What is Your Excuse?

Hello blogger this is the third installment of my series who are you? I want you to watch these videos, and as you are watching I want you to think about what it is that is keeping you from your big break through.

Do you believe in yourself?

Now what is your excuse now?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Do You Know The Real You?

Hello blogger this is the second installment of my series who are you? Sometime we can fool ourselves by acting out of the norm. One day you may be up beat, and the next day you may feel like doing nothing. You may have some problems that is keeping you back from something big. Someone might have said something that you did not like. What do you do fight or move on? Most likely you are going to move on unless you like going to jail. I am sure that you have been tested on how much mess people have caused you. I want you to think back of when you was in high school, and someone tried to pick a fight with you. What did you do? As you go throughout your life people will test you to see how far you will go. They want you to act in a way that they want you to act, and when you do not they get mad. Who are you as a person? How would to act towards hatefulness? Do you know the real you?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Getting Back To Old Ways

Hello blogger this is the start of my new series "who are you". When I was a little kid I used to go up to anybody, and have a conversation. Now that I have gotten a little bit older I have drop off as far as staring up an conversation. So now the question is how can I get back to my old self? I must get back to my old ways, and start talking. The lesson that I want to to get out of my little story is that you must not be scared of nothing. I am sure that it was a time in you life were you were scared to face a problem, but I came to remind you to get back to your old self. Do not be scared to stand up to what ever it is standing in your way. Knock it down with force. So I say get back to you old self, and get back to who you are.