Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Do Not Give Up

Hello blogger, how are y'all today? Well this will be the final installment of my series open your eyes and see the light. Sometimes people are in your ear saying that you will not be able to make it. Sometimes tha devil is right up in tha mix saying tha same thing. Now you are in a situation where you do not know what to do, but wait their is something that you can do. That is get down on your knees and pray. Their is a dream that you are going after go and get it. Push until you reach your dream. Sometimes tha road will get hard and long, but I am hear to tell you that you will and you can make it. Their was a time in my life where I wanted to throw in tha towel, but my family was their to tell me that I can do it. Put you trust in God, and see where God takes you. May God bless you and your family.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Let The Haters Hate and You Move on

Hello everyone how are y'all today? This is the seventh installment of my series open your eyes and see the light. You go to work everyday and you may have one or two people hating on what you are trying to do. I do not understand why people hate on other people who are trying to do something positive. You may get caught up in one of those things where a person may come by you and give you an evil look like what are you doing. Let them hate on you and you move on. You do not have time to be caught up in all that mess. They are just trying to causes trouble that is all they are trying to do. So do not get caught up in all of the mess, and you just keep holding your head up, and march on until victory is won.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Thank You Followers

Hello followers how are y'all doing? I want to thank y'all for following me. I see that some new followers have joined my blog, and I want to thank you. If their is anything that I can do for you just leave a comment at the bottom, and I will get back to you. May God bless you and your whole entire family.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Starting Fresh

It's a start of a new week. Wow it is amazing how this year is going by. Make sure that you keep you head up at all time. What ever you do stay positive on what you do. Do not let anyone tell you that you can not do it because you can. Keep your eye on tha prize, and everything will be alright. May God continue to bless you and you whole entire family.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Broken Hearts

Hello everyone I bet you are glad that today is Friday. This is the sixth installment of my series entitled open your eyes and see the light. I want to talk to all of the ladies out their who hearts have been broken by men. Men are going to do what they want to do. Let me give up an example. Lets say that you get into a relationship with a guy that you love, and everything is going good then all of the sudden your man hurts you by cheating on you. He begs and begs to you to let him back in to your life, and he promise not to cheat on you again. What would you tell him yes or no?

The problem that I have is that you are better than that. You should not have to go through tha pain that your man has gone out and cheated on you. Ladies you must make an example out of that guy who cheated on you. You must stand up and take control over your life. Their is a true man out their looking for you. Take control over your life and say NO I will not take you back. You must ask yourself what do you want for you. Look I am tired and sick of men cheating on women. Put your foot down and make a strong statement.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How Bad Do You Want The Job?

This is the fifth installment of my series open your eyes and see the light. Jobs are begin lost from left to right, but soon jobs will come back into the picture. So now the question is how bad do you want the job? It all depends on you on how you go about getting the job. You will not get a job by wearing a drug shirt. If you want the job that you really like then you are going to go all out to make sure that you get the job. Your first impression in when you go to job service. You want to look nice because you are being interviewed right their on the spot. Make sure that you look neat and clean. So the next time you go on a hunt of a job I want you to ask yourself how bad do I want this job?

Monday, September 21, 2009

" I Want to Know What Love Is"

Hello everyone. Mariah Carey has a new song out called "I want to know what love is". I hope that you like it.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Brand New Week

Alright everyone it is a brand new week. I want you to go into to work with a positive attitude. Remember to keep you head up at all times. Children remember to do well in school. Do your best work at all times. Do not quit on your dreams. You can do it if you put your mind to it. Please stay safe, be good, and have fun as you go throughout this week.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Think Before You Take Action

Hello everyone I hope that you having a good day. This is the fourth installment of my series entitled open your eyes and see the light. I want to asks all of the teens a question Is it worth going to jail over something stupid? Some of y'all are heading down the wrong path. If you are not careful then you might find yourself in one or two places jail or in the graveyard. Some of y'all are hanging around the wrong crowd that will lead you to destruction. So the question is what do you need to do in order to stay out of trouble with the police? Here is a simply answer do not hang out with friends who are not trying to better themselves for the future. Think before you take action. Think about your life, your future, and most importantly think about your family. Your parents cares about you. They want the best out of you. So all that I am saying is think before you take action. I am trying to save you from harm.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Where Is The Respect?

Hello blogger this is the third installment of the series entitled open your eye and see the light. Everywhere that I go I see a lot of mistreatment, and I keep asking myself why do we mistreat and disrespect each other? What I came to realize is that some people do not respect themselves in order to respect others. I see little children disrespecting their parents, teachers, and others who are over them. So I say where is the respect? Look you must respect each other weather you like them or not. Show some love and respect each other. May God bless you and your whole entire family.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Where Were You On 9/11/2001?

This past weekend was the eight year of the horrible attacks that happened on US soil. I remember this like it was yesterday. I remember coming back from recess when I heard about the attacks in New York. I was walking behind these two ladies talking about the attacks. When I got into the classroom I kept on thinking to myself what could have happened in this county. The bell rung for us to go home. When I go on the bus I kept on thinking and wondering what happen. When I got home I threw my book bag down on turn on the TV. I could not believe what I saw. Two airplanes hit the twin buildings, and one into the pentagon. All that I can say was my goodness.

To all the the families who were affected by this I want to say to you that your love ones are looking down upon you smiling big at you. Continue to let you light shine everywhere that you go. May God bless you, and your whole entire family. Let me know where were you when you heard about 9/11/2001.

I Am Back

Hello everyone. I am sorry that I have not been blogging like I should, but I am back. I have alot of blogging to do. My series open your eyes and see the light will be back soon. I miss reading the great blogs that has gone out. I am back and ready. God bless you all.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hello Everyone

Hello blogger, how are y'all today? I am sorry that I have not been on blogging, I have been dealing with school and all of that. The series open your eyes and see the light will hopeful be back on Saturday. I have decided to take a break. I hope that y'all have a bless day, and stay positive.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Word of Encouragement

Hello everyone I hope that everyone is having a good day. We are about to start up a brand new week. As you go through the week I want you to think positive toughs. I want you to hold up your head up at all times. I know that some people will test you, but all you have to do is put the word of God on them and move on. You do not have time to get caught up in all of the mess. If you see someone in need be nice and help them out. Remember is be nice to everyone that you meet because they will remember you when you are having a hard time. Stay positive.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Young Men Pull Your Pants Up.

Hello everyone this is the second installment of my series open your eyes and see the light. When I am out in public, and see young males with their pants below their waist I can not help but say why are you making yourself look bad? What is the point of having on pants if you are not going to pull them up on your waist? What kind of statement are you trying to prove with your pants hanging down low? You know it is okay to be different. You do not have to go out here making a bad representation on yourself, your family, and your community. Young men pull up your pants, and don not let your pant hang. Come on now you have got to have more respect of yourself. If you are reading this I want to issue out a challage to all of the young men. The next time you leave out, and go somewhere please what ever you do, do not make your parent's , yourself, and your community look bad. Remeber you have little kids watching your every move.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Look Were We Came From

Hello everyone the day has finally came to start up the series open your eyes and see the light. Throughout this series I will be covering alot of different topics that I see going on in the world today. Like I said before their will be some issue that you might not like to here, but I must tell the truth. I am on a mission to help people get back on track in their everyday life's.

As I look back in the 1960's and so on, I can not help but say my my my look at how many people gave up their life's so we may have a better future. Now that we are in the 21st century it seem like everything has taken a turn for the worst instead of the better. Our children are in gangs, having children when they are children their selves, and etc. Thousands of people have given up their life's so that we may have a better, and everyday we are waisting our life's away. I believe that we as Americans have an obligation to those who have giving up their life's for us. I am pretty sure that you have some family members that have fought in battles that they did not want to. All they want from us is they want us to live the best life's that be can possibly live.