Friday, June 12, 2009

What is shooting going to solve?

Shooting at each other is not the correct way to solving any problems. The problem it will solve is you are going to jail, and that is not a place you want to go. I have not been nor do I want to go. Now the question is what can you do to stop the shooting? I am glad that you ask me that question if you look at the question the question has an important word in it. That word is STOP. How about picking up a book, helping out around the house, helping out a friend, being active in the community, and doing something positive for yourself. I do not want you to go to jail or to the grave yard, but I want you to be successful. Your parents want the best out of you. Please stop the shooting because somebody has their eye on you at all time. Remember that God has a plan for your life. Remember that your parents loves you very much. Most of all God loves you very much.


Unknown said...

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