Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What is my reward in life?

Sometimes you may feel down, left out, and want to give up. You have work so hard at work, but you feel like you have not done anything. How many of you know that their is a reward in your life. You just have to wait. You see all of that hard work that you have put in will come to light some day. It might be in the next second, the next minute, the next day, or it might be the next month. You never know how the Lord is going to bless you. Their is a reward for you at the end of the tunnel.


Unknown said...

I think that for many of us, patience is a process. We want what we want right now. A lot of time and energy is spent rushing to get to that reward. When I do that, things don't quite work out. Working to do my best at everything I do has an amazing reward all its own: peace of mind. Everything else is just icing on the cake. I believe that's the way He intended it to be.