Tuesday, June 2, 2009

All of the ladies where are y'all at?

I just want to let y'all know that y'all are queens in my eyes. Please do not let anybody tell you that you can not do it because you can. Just stay focus on your goals that you have set for yourselfs, and everything else will fall into place. Always remember to keep your head up. You may hit some bumps in the road, but do not drop your head. I see queens in my eyes. I just want to give y'all a shout out. Peace out.


Anita C. McCants said...

Hey Derrick,
Thanks for stopping by and commenting
on Ten Reasons To Read.

Are you sure you don't like to read?
You may not be into reading 200 page
novels, but as far as I can tell, you
read often. So, I think you like to
read. :~)

Hope all is well.